Friday, October 31, 2008

Girl Week

Girls Week
Fun, adventure, learning. These were all things that we experienced while on girls week in Calgary. Our speaker, Sharon Peters from Vancouver, shared the beauty of being ourselves, and the beauty of being women. She made a point of helping us discover who we want to be, not what we want to be, and encouraged us all to witness the beauty God placed in each one of us as women.
Amidst all the things being learned in the classroom the week was also filled with amazing activities planned by our very own female site leaders. We spent time go-karting, mini-golfing, shopping, hiking a mountain and experiencing God’s wonderful creation, and of course a spa night. A Christmas party also took place where caroling, candy and a gift exchange were involved. I know what you are thinking, a Christmas party in October? But it was the last time the girls from all three sites would be together for a very long time and making it memorable was perfect.
All in all the week was awesome, we learned new things, met new people and had a blast doing it. I think that a lot of us had anticipated a long hard week without the guys, but being on our own yet surrounded by 70 girls for 7 days allowed so much room for us to grow, experience and just be girls.


PS: We also got this awesome hip-hop instructor to teach us some sweet dance moves. A lot of us failed quite miserably but it was fun while it lasted.

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