Canoe Trip
What comes to mind? Campfire? Sleeping bag? Yes, all of that, but also a time to connect in an interesting way with a community of people. As a group of 21 students we left from Manitoba Pioneer Camp to paddle Shoal Lake. Canoe trips are always a lot of fun, laughing and talking with a unique group of people. As we were in God’s creation we were to be looking for His beauty. It’s September therefore the leaves are turning colours, and it’s absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining, the wind was on our side and it was so nice to be on the lake. As we canoed, we got to have some time with our new friends either one-on-one or in a group of three in the canoes, which helped us get to know one another. As we sat around the fire admiring its beauty we talked about our feelings about the trip, and it is just so amazing to have the opportunity as a community to express our thoughts on our journey. A personal experience of mine as we were away was the last night, I took some time to sit and reflect and think about some of the things we’d been learning, and thoughts I’d been having. I just sat on a rock looking at the stars in the middle of the lake. God really spoke to me in that time, as I was struggling with healing from past pain I was reminded that God wants to help us, not harm us. Tobi, one of our site leaders, came and talked to me about God, and His love. He brings pain to the surface when He thinks it’s necessary to deal with it. I just was enthralled in His beauty and His love that night, and it was a moment I will forever remember. What an excellent way to kick-off our adventure as a site group!
Natalie Kay
Looks like Natalie and Tim had their canoe all under control!!
Thank you for your thoughts Natalie! It is incredible to sit and look at the stars and just listen...
Your post was so encouraging!
God at you...moments to cherish and remember. I pray that this year will be full of encounters with God.
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