After getting to know each other at the Wilderness Edge Retreat Centre, we were ready for adventure. On the weekend of the 19th through the 21st of September the Outtatowners set out for a three-day canoe trip from Manitoba Pioneer Camp on Shoal Lake. Some of us were seasoned outdoor orienteers while others experienced our first canoe trip. It didn't matter. Everyone was able to find their place whether it was setting up tents and packing the canoes, preparing meals, or taking leadership in the canoe.
After a jittery start in which I accidentally flipped my canoe, we trekked over 27 kilometers including a 900-meter portage in both directions. I was in charge of navigation during day one. Learning how to take compass bearings with the aid of a topographical map was difficult at first, especially in a moving canoe. By the time we had arrived safely at the campsite I had it mastered. The portage was a first for me. I'm glad I didn't know I had to do another portage until after the first was finished! On the final day I switched from the bow to stern of the canoe. I must admit, it may have seemed like we were playing bumper boats at the beginning, but I was able to navigate my canoe back to Manitoba Pioneer Camp the same way I navigated our group to the first campsite
Each person sees the world through a filter through which we interpret the world. During the out-trip we were challenged to set these filters aside in order to fully understand how beauty and brokenness can be present side-by-side in Creation and in our own lives. The harshness of the wilderness is often contrasted with its beauty that can only be experienced by being part of it. For us that meant living in respect with Creation without the conveniences that accompany the brokenness of modern living. The adventure left us feeling physically and mentally exhausted, even broken. The camp was a welcome site when we returned.
Ryan Caldwell